Call me Devil

I'm devil fan club

Wednesday, May 06, 2009

A long time ago

So long time that I forget this blog

why? Time? or something

I try to use other blog and now I'm know something

when the time is passing by

I'm forget in everything

Don't comment coz I'm never check this blog

I'm very sorry

Wednesday, December 28, 2005

It's a wonderful day

Do you know about this day? Of cause not. It's my day.......................yeh yeh

I'm start the day in the same but today I'm go to work lately.
In the end of work hours. My boss is K.Kanok told me for the way to work flow.
What's happen?

When I'm check for an account I saw the wrong "what what what" Hey... It's the best that I see it.

Ha ha ha ha... it's make me happy and when I adjust this account it's mean right.
And tomorrow become angel

Oh god I love you.

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

News updated

Hi darling,

Everything has changing for the real way. But it's not my openion. Last Sunday I'm just got to take english program to learn. It's start next month about 13.

And now I'm still working in my office...

see you

Monday, October 10, 2005

The Time is passing by

Working Time

I starting my job for 3 wees. ( General Accounting Division Manager)
1 week ago something has changed. I don't khow what to do. But I still working.

It's not time boring

Tomorrow come with sunrise everyday.

Saturday, October 01, 2005

After result of oral exam


Do you know my feeling?
It's great to hear that I have pass both of written and oral examination in first time.

What's this meaning to me?
It's mean I 'm the MBA pass with honor

and now I always happyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy very much

Monday, September 05, 2005

Before Announcement of Written Examination Result

This time of Comprehensive Examination

The last 20-21 Aug 2005 it was time to do written examination
20 Aug for 6 subject were 1. Managerial Accounting 2. Financial Management 3. Operation Management 4. Marketing Management 5. Organization behavioral 6. Information Technology

I have choose 1-5 Subject to do There were very hard for me and the last subject that was OB it was really mistake I didn't take and example for that case... Ho ho ho I want to cry cry cry.....
I've just take time for 3 hours (On time) but it's not time to think again

in the last 21 Aug for Strategic management and Business Policy
It's for 4 hours to test just like Outback Steakhouse

Now... I wait for announcement in 10 September 2005

Sunday, October 10, 2004

The day before FINAL

Today I and my friends Kiet, Chuchat and Unchalee go Ayuthya to visit Phanuncheng Temple.

The weather is hot but our group are not care.

We're know something, we don't have delicious som-tam there, it so sweet but the noodle (kuay teaw roe) just OK.

Anyway we pray for good grade and I know we can.

If you finish check our mid-term paper I know that you're agree with me.

Don't you?